Multiple Decks Suggest a New Path
In my therapy practice, I treated a woman who had to stop working due to problems at her workplace. At one point, I used the OH Cards.
First, we used the ECCO deck. Two cards were chosen from the deck – one to represent the problem and one to represent the ideal situation. The cards were placed on a sheet of paper and the woman drew lines linking the two cards (sequential, linear). I invited her to turn over the sheet of paper and, using the same two cards, draw more intuitively (global, one world).
Next, two HABITAT cards were picked at random: one for the problem and the other for the solved situation. From the face-up TANDOO deck, one road sign card was chosen. From the face-up COPE deck, a BASIC card [one of six hand cards in the COPE deck that represent the six coping resources of the BASIC model] was chosen to represent a resource she could use as a support to achieve the change.
She chose the cards and felt lighter – she had a new perspective. Thanks to the cards and to her subconscious, she left with photos of her new path, which we had taken of her card work so she could meditate about it on her own.