Explorando afectos disociados con “Resilio” Julia -de 14 años- llega a la consulta derivada por su nutricionista, quien observa mucha angustia contenida debido a la presencia de conflictos familiares. Padece sobrepeso desde los 10 años, momento en que sus padres se separan en medio de mutuas acusaciones. Julia y su hermana, Mara, repiten una modalidad […]
Continue ReadingTherapy and Counselling
La historización en el tratamiento con “MORENÁ”
Tratar los problemas del sueño con tarjetas Morená Pablo, un niño de 10 años, fue traído a la consulta por problemas de sueño, los que comenzaron luego de un accidente automovilístico, en el que Pablo dormía al chocar el auto en el que viajaba con su familia. A mitad de la noche despierta, se siente […]
Continue Reading(Translated from Spanish, see below for original language version) Exploring Dissociated Affections with “Resilio” Julia -a 14 year-old girl- arrives to her consultation referred by her nutritionist, who sees a great amount of pent-up distress caused by family conflict. She has been overweight since she was 10 years old, point in her life in which […]
Continue Reading(Translated from Spanish, see below for original language version) Treating Sleeping Problems using Morena Cards Pablo, a 10-year-old boy, was brought to the consultation because he had trouble sleeping, a problem that started after a car accident. Pablo was sleeping when the car in which he was travelling with his family crashed. He usually woke […]
Continue ReadingPhilippa Thomas uses OH Cards in an inpatient hospitalization setting to help suicidal adolescents recognize their emotions, and the images bring life and visability to feelings that they have trouble verbalizing.
Continue ReadingWashington Souza, a specialist in neurosciences and applied psychology, created this video: The Power of Images and the Mysteries of the Self (Portuguese).
Continue ReadingUkrainian authors Popova and Miloradova analyzed the main psychological mechanisms of metaphoric associative cards’ influence; in particular, the study of the unconscious through the use of metaphoric associative cards as compared to other methods.
Continue ReadingDramatherapist and clinical supervisor Lili Levy uses OH Cards for dramatherapy and considers them an important tool in her work.
Continue ReadingOH Cards make a showing at the 5th International Conference of Experiential Psychotherapy and Unifying Personal Development, Bucharest, Romania, March 29-30.
Continue ReadingAn abstract (in English and Romanian) of a thesis proposal by Mădălina Voicu that includes the study of OH Cards used for therapeutic purposes.
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