That Perception Thing
Dawn Brown Psychotherapist, Teacher and Counsellor
Ontario, Canada
That Perception Thing, by Dawn Brown. Creative Bound: Carp, Ontario, 2001. ISBN 0-921165-76-5.
About the Author
Dawn Brown, M.Ed. (Counselling), brings a unique perspective to her writing, seminars, and workshops. A dynamic and inspiring leader, she has extensive experience as a teacher, psychotherapist, and trainer who specializes in career and life transitions. Recently the Director of Student Life Services and head of Career Services at Carleton University, Dawn now devotes her energies to Perception Shift, a company dedicated to creating a healthy approach to living.
About the Book
How successful you are at coping with change will determine how fully alive and productive you are. If you want to thrive in the 21st century, it is essential that you master the ability to cope with uncertainty. The only thing certain is change. That Perception Thing offers you the opportunity to shift your perceptions from the fear of pain to an acceptance of growth. Is life a battleground, full of conflict and pain … or a classroom where lessons of personal growth are learned? Stories, metaphors, and OH Cards challenge the reader to discover what is authentic and meaningful in life.